Passport Appointments
Schedule your passport and passport photo appointment at Kuna Library. Morning, afternoon and evening appointments available Monday - Friday.

Access Your KLD Account
Renew items you have checked out. Reserve items you'd like to borrow or search our catalog. Kuna Library card is required for some features.

Lynx Libraries App
Meet Ida, the Lynx Libraries Consortium app that makes it even easier to manage your Kuna Library account. The FREE app is available for Android and Apple devices.

Free eBooks and Audiobooks
Borrow eBooks and audiobooks from the Kuna Library collection via the FREE Libby app. Click on the image above for details.

Add More Libraries to Libby
Did you know you can add up to 11 partner libraries to your Libby account? That's right, more libraries, more choices! Click on the image above for steps on adding one or all eleven partner libraries!

Idaho Commission for Libraries
Free access to Idaho residents to online tools for educational, business, and recreational needs.

Audiobooks and Magazines
Reading resources for Idaho residents unable to read due to physical limitations.

A FREE source for news and research through access to America's News, Hispanic Life in America, and local news from The Idaho Statesman.

New York Times
Read the news, find recipes and play online games on The New York Times website with your Kuna Library card compliments of the Lynx Consortium.

Learning Resources
Early learning materials for teachers and homeschool parents. Kuna Library card required to access.