Reserve a Room

We are in the process of expanding the library to add multi-use rooms and study rooms. 
During construction, there are no rooms available for use.
Construction is expected to be completed in January 2025, and the rooms will be available for use starting Tuesday, January 21, 2025.

Thank you for being so patient.


Multi-Use Rooms

Available beginning Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Check back for the online reservation form

Bald Eagle Room 
Golden Eagle Room
Bald Eagle and Golden Eagle Room
Falcon Room 

Time limit: 2.5 hours

Use Frequency: limit of one reservation per patron, family, business, or organization per week.

Tables and Chairs
Bald Eagle: 6, 6′ folding tables and 25 chairs.
Golden Eagle: 6, 6′ folding tables and 25 chairs
Bald Eagle and Golden Eagle: 12, 6′ folding tables and 50 chairs
Falcon: 2, 6′ tables and 8 chairs

AV Equipment
Bald Eagle: 1 large smart television
Golden Eagle: 1 large smart television

$0 for  Kuna Library District card holders for room use without food.
$50 for non-Kuna Library District cardholders for room use without food.
$100 for all patrons for room use with food.   

Read our Meeting and Conference Room Policy

Study Rooms

Available beginning Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Study rooms are not reserveable and are available on a first-come, first-served basis. 

Time Limit: Currently, there are no time limits set.

Frequency: Currently, there is no limit to the number of times per week a patron, family, business or organization may use a study room. 

Availability: Study rooms are available on a first-come-first-served basis.

Tables and chairs: Each room has one round table and four chairs.

AV Equipment: A laptop is available for checkout at the circulation desk. A library card is required to check out a laptop.  

Fee: There is no fee for use of a study room.

Read our Meeting and Conference Room Policy


Before reserving a room please read our Meeting and Conference Room policy for complete details and restrictions. 

Visit our calendar to see all programs and special events 

Find out how to get a Kuna Library Card