Artist Showcase

Local artists can request a month to display their artwork in the Kuna Library Artist Showcase
About our Artist Showcase
We love having the opportunity to showcase the work of local talented artists.
Artists who live within the Kuna Library District boundaries or are paid Kuna Library cardholders in good standing.
Local artists may request a month to display their work in our artist showcase. Artwork must hang securely on our rail display system.
Artist Responsibilities
- The artist agrees to email a picture of their work to the Kuna Library directors for consideration. or
- The artist is responsible for displaying their artwork on the first business day of the month and removing it on the last business day of the month.
- If the artist does not display their artwork in the designated month, they must wait one year before reapplying.
- Art exhibited must be appropriate for viewing by the general public, including children.
- The artist permits Kuna Library to use images of displayed artwork on social media platforms and/or the library website.
- The artist must live within the Kuna Library District boundaries or be a paid Kuna Library cardholder in good standing.
- Library policy prohibits solicitation of signatures on a petition, solicitation of donations of money, distribution of materials at the library, installation of any advertisement or election posters/signs on library property, peddling or vending, and panhandling. See Patron Rights and Responsibilities.
- Artists are asked to display their contact information along with their artwork, especially those with artwork to sell.
Apply to Display
If you are interested in having your artwork considered for our showcase, please complete the form below.
You will receive a response within 7 business days.